Quick Start =========== Jumping In ---------- The main purpose of pygram11 is to be a faster `near` drop-in replacement of :py:func:`numpy.histogram` and :py:func:`numpy.histogram2d` with support for uncertainties. The NumPy functions always return the bin counts and the bin edges, while pygram11 functions return the bin counts and the standard error on the bin counts (if weights are not used, the second return type from pygram11 functions will be ``None``). Therefore, if one only cares about the bin counts, the libraries are completely interchangable. These two funcion calls will provide the same result:: import numpy as np import pygram11 as pg rng = np.random.default_rng(123) x = rng.standard_normal(10000) counts1, __ = np.histogram(x, bins=20, range=(-3, 3)) counts2, __ = pg.histogram(x, bins=20, range=(-3, 3)) np.testing.assert_allclose(counts1, counts2) If one cares about the statistical uncertainty on the bin counts, or the ability to retain under- and over-flow counts, then pygram11 is a great replacement. Checkout a `blog post `_ which describes how to recreate this behavior in pure NumPy, while pygram11 is as simple as:: data = rng.standard_normal(10000) weights = rng.uniform(0.1, 0.9, x.shape[0]) counts, err = pg.histogram(data, bins=10, range=(-3, 3), weights=weights, flow=True) The :py:func:`pygram11.histogram` and :py:func:`pygram11.histogram2d` functions in the pygram11 API are meant to provide an easy transition from NumPy to pygram11. The next couple of sections summarize the structure of the pygram11 API. Core pygram11 Functions ----------------------- pygram11 provides a simple set of functions for calculating histograms: .. autosummary:: pygram11.fix1d pygram11.fix1dmw pygram11.var1d pygram11.var1dmw pygram11.fix2d pygram11.var2d You'll see that the API specific to pygram11 is a bit more specialized than the NumPy histogramming API (shown below). Histogramming a normal distribution: .. code-block:: python >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(123) >>> h, __ = pygram11.fix1d(rng.standard_normal(10000), bins=25, range=(-3, 3)) See the API reference for more examples. NumPy-like Functions -------------------- For convenience a NumPy-like API is also provided (**not one-to-one**, see the API reference). .. autosummary:: pygram11.histogram pygram11.histogram2d Supported Types --------------- Conversions between NumPy array types can take some time when calculating histograms. .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: import numpy as np In [2]: import pygram11 as pg In [3]: rng = np.random.default_rng(123) In [4]: x = rng.standard_normal(2_000_000) In [5]: %timeit pg.histogram(x, bins=30, range=(-4, 4)) 1.95 ms ± 138 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each) In [6]: %timeit pg.histogram(x.astype(np.float32), bins=30, range=(-4, 4)) 2.33 ms ± 170 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each) You can see the type conversion increases this calculation time by about 20%. The back-end C++ functions prohibit type conversions of the input data. If an array with an unsupported :py:class:`numpy.dtype` is passed to pygram11, a :py:class:`TypeError` will be rasied. Supported :py:class:`numpy.dtype`'s for data are: - :py:class:`numpy.float64` (a C/C++ ``double``) - :py:class:`numpy.int64` (a C/C++ ``int64_t``) - :py:class:`numpy.uint64` (a C/C++ ``uint64_t``) - :py:class:`numpy.float32` (a C/C++ ``float``) - :py:class:`numpy.int32` (a C/C++ ``int32_t`` - :py:class:`numpy.uint32` (a C/C++ ``uint32_t``) and for weights: - :py:class:`numpy.float64` - :py:class:`numpy.float32` OpenMP Configuration -------------------- For small datasets OpenMP acceleration introduces unncessary overhead. Or, if you're using the pygram11 API in cluster workflows (like with Dask_), you have your threads committed to higher level abstractions. By default, the C++ back-end utilizes OpenMP parallel loops if the data size is above a threshold for a respective histogramming situation. These thresholds are 10,000 for fixed width histograms and 5,000 for variable width histograms. The thresholds can be configured in a granular way with the ``pygram11.config`` module. The parameters are: - ``"thresholds.fix1d"`` - ``"thresholds.fix1dmw"`` - ``"thresholds.fix2d"`` - ``"thresholds.var1d"`` - ``"thresholds.var1dmw"`` - ``"thresholds.var2d"`` Low level reading/writing is handled through two functions: .. autosummary:: pygram11.config.get pygram11.config.set If you have specific thresholds in mind, :py:func:`pygram11.config.set` is the recommended interface. The recommended entry points for controlling OpenMP acceleration in an on/off switch way are through the provided context managers and decorators (if we want to force OpenMP acceleration, we set the thresholds to zero; if we want to disable OpenMP acceleration, we set the thresholds to `sys.maxsize`). .. autosummary:: pygram11.omp_disabled pygram11.omp_forced pygram11.without_omp pygram11.with_omp The context manager and decorator APIs provide an interface that executes *temporary* adjustments to the thresholds that live during specific code blocks or for entire function calls. For example, we can disable a specific threshold during a :py:func:`pygram11.histogram` call with the :py:func:`pygram11.omp_disabled` context manager: .. code-block:: python import pygram11 import numpy as np rng = np.random.default_rng(123) x = rng.standard_normal(50_000) with omp_disabled(key="thresholds.fix1d"): result = pygram11.histogram(x, bins=50, range=(-3, 3)) or we can decorate a function to disable OpenMP during its use: .. code-block:: python import pygram11 import numpy as np @pygram11.without_omp def hist(): rng = np.random.default_rng(123) x = rng.standard_normal(50_000) return pygram11.histogram(x, bins=50, range=(-3, 3)) If the `key` argument is not provided, all thresholds will be temporarily modified. An example of threshold modification via the granular interface: .. code-block:: python >>> import pygram11 >>> import pygram11.config >>> import numpy as np >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(123) >>> x = rng.standard_uniform(6000) >>> bins = np.array([-3.1, -2.5, -2.0, 0.1, 0.2, 2.1, 3.0]) >>> result = pygram11.histogram(x, bins=bins) # will use OpenMP >>> pygram11.config.set("thresholds.var1d", 7500) >>> result = pygram11.histogram(x, bins=bins) # now will _not_ use OpenMP Some shortcuts exist to completely disable or enable OpenMP, along with returning to the defaults: - :py:func:`pygram11.disable_omp`: maximizes all thresholds so OpenMP will never be used. - :py:func:`pygram11.force_omp`: zeros all thresholds so OpenMP will always be used. - :py:func:`pygram11.default_omp`: return to default thresholds. .. _Dask: https://dask.org