Source code for pygram11._numpy

import numpy as np
from ._hist import fix1d, fix1dmw, fix2d, var1d, var1dmw, var2d

[docs]def histogram( x, bins=10, range=None, weights=None, density=False, flow=False, cons_var=False, ): r"""Histogram data in one dimension. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Data to histogram. bins : int or array_like If int: the number of bins; if array_like: the bin edges. range : (float, float), optional The minimum and maximum of the histogram axis. If ``None`` with integer `bins`, min and max of `x` will be used. If `bins` is an array this is expected to be ``None``. weights : array_like, optional Weight variations for the elements of `x`. For single weight histograms the shape must be the same shape as `x`. For multiweight histograms the first dimension is the length of `x`, second dimension is the number of weights variations. density : bool Normalize histogram counts as value of PDF such that the integral over the range is unity. flow : bool Include under/overflow in the first/last bins. cons_var : bool If ``True``, conserve the variance rather than return the standard error (square root of the variance). Raises ------ ValueError If `bins` defines edges while `range` is also not ``None``. ValueError If the array of bin edges is not monotonically increasing. ValueError If `x` and `weights` have incompatible shapes. ValueError If multiweight histogramming is detected and `weights` is not a two dimensional array. TypeError If `x` or `weights` are unsupported types Returns ------- :py:obj:`numpy.ndarray` The bin counts. :py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional The standard error of each bin count, :math:`\sqrt{\sum_i w_i^2}`. The return is ``None`` if weights are not used. See Also -------- fix1d Used for no weight or single weight fixed bin width histograms fix1dmw Used for multiweight fixed bin width histograms. var1d Used for no weight or single weight variable bin width histograms. var1dmw Used for multiweight variable bin width histograms. Examples -------- A simple fixed width histogram: >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(123) >>> x = rng.standard_normal(2000) >>> h, __ = histogram(x, bins=20, range=(-3, 3)) And with variable width histograms and weights: >>> w = rng.uniform(0.3, 1.1, size=x.shape) >>> h, err = histogram(x, bins=[-3, -2, -1.5, 1.5, 3.5], weights=w) """ # make sure x and weight data are NumPy arrays. x = np.array(x) is_multiweight = False if weights is not None: weights = np.asarray(weights) is_multiweight = np.shape(weights) != np.shape(x) if is_multiweight and len(np.shape(weights)) != 2: raise ValueError("weight must be a 2D array for multiweight histograms.") # fixed bins if isinstance(bins, int): if is_multiweight: return fix1dmw( x, weights, bins=bins, range=range, flow=flow, cons_var=cons_var, ) return fix1d( x, weights=weights, bins=bins, range=range, density=density, flow=flow, cons_var=cons_var, ) # variable bins else: bins = np.asarray(bins) if range is not None: raise ValueError("range must be None if bins is non-int") if is_multiweight: return var1dmw(x, weights, bins=bins, flow=flow, cons_var=cons_var) return var1d( x, weights=weights, bins=bins, density=density, flow=flow, cons_var=cons_var, )
[docs]def histogram2d(x, y, bins=10, range=None, weights=None, flow=False, cons_var=False): r"""Histogram data in two dimensions. This function provides an API very simiar to :func:`numpy.histogram2d`. Keep in mind that the returns are different. Parameters ---------- x: array_like Array representing the `x` coordinate of the data to histogram. y: array_like Array representing the `y` coordinate of the data to histogram. bins: int or array_like or [int, int] or [array, array], optional The bin specification: * If int, the number of bins for the two dimensions (``nx = ny = bins``). * If `array_like`, the bin edges for the two dimensions (``x_edges = y_edges = bins``). * If [int, int], the number of bins in each dimension (``nx, ny = bins``). * If [`array_like`, `array_like`], the bin edges in each dimension (``x_edges, y_edges = bins``). range: array_like, shape(2,2), optional The edges of this histogram along each dimension. If ``bins`` is not integral, then this parameter is ignored. If None, the default is ``[[x.min(), x.max()], [y.min(), y.max()]]``. weights: array_like An array of weights associated to each element :math:`(x_i, y_i)` pair. Each pair of the data will contribute its associated weight to the bin count. flow : bool Include over/underflow. cons_var : bool If ``True``, conserve the variance rather than return the standard error (square root of the variance). Raises ------ ValueError If `x` and `y` have different shape or either bin edge definition is not monotonically increasing. ValueError If the shape of `weights` is not compatible with `x` and `y`. TypeError If `x`, `y`, or `weights` are unsupported types See Also -------- fix2d Used for no weight or single weight fixed bin width histograms var2d Used for no weight or single weight variable bin width histograms. Returns ------- :py:obj:`numpy.ndarray` The bin counts. :py:obj:`numpy.ndarray` The standard error of each bin count, :math:`\sqrt{\sum_i w_i^2}`. Examples -------- Gaussian distributions in 2D with automatic bin ranges: >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(123) >>> x = rng.standard_normal(size=(1000,)) >>> y = rng.standard_normal(size=(1000,)) >>> w = rng.uniform(0.3, 0.4, size=x.shape) >>> h, err = histogram2d(x, y, bins=[10, 10], weights=w) >>> h.shape (10, 10) """ try: N = len(bins) except TypeError: N = 1 x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) if weights is not None: weights = np.asarray(weights) if N != 1 and N != 2: bins = np.asarray(bins) return var2d(x, y, bins, bins, weights=weights, flow=flow, cons_var=cons_var) elif N == 1: return fix2d( x, y, bins=bins, range=range, weights=weights, flow=flow, cons_var=cons_var, ) elif N == 2: if isinstance(bins[0], int) and isinstance(bins[1], int): return fix2d(x, y, bins=bins, range=range, weights=weights, flow=flow) else: b1 = np.asarray(bins[0]) b2 = np.asarray(bins[1]) return var2d(x, y, b1, b2, weights=weights, flow=flow) else: raise ValueError("bins argument is not compatible")